Holiday Greetings from NASA – 美国国家航空航天局佳节祝福

From: NASAtelevision, December 18, 2009

NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden and Deputy Administrator Lori Garver extend seasons greetings and New Years wishes to members of the NASA family.

美国国家航空航天局(NASA)局长查尔斯.博尔登(Charlie Bolden)和副局长洛里.加弗(Lori Garver)向NASA人员致以节日和新年的祝福,并回顾一年来的经历和成就。

The beauty of images from the Hubble Space Telescope, and several of the NASA missions was the inspiration for the 2009 NASA Seasons Greetings ID.

NASA哈勃太空望远镜(Hubble Space Telescope)和其他飞行任务中所拍摄到的太空影像,组成了NASA 2009年底节日祝贺的壮观妙景。

Mark R. Hailey, NASA Televisions Art Director created this piece.

(黄达维 David C. Huang, December 2009, USA)
